Adolescence By Day: Thank You.

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Thank You.

I'm writing this for a friend of mine. I don't think there's anything I could do to thank her enough. I'm not sure I'm exaggerating when I say that she brought me back from the edge. I don't know if anyone will get this, unless they've actually been suicidal themselves, but I'm going to write it anyway. When I was in the worst of my depression, it was like there was a huge whole where my stomach was. Nothing could make me happy. I would still laugh and smile, but they wouldn't quite reach my eyes or my mind. In short, it absolutely sucked. I won't go in to it anymore than that, I don't need to whine about how bad it was. I just want to thank my friend.

PMTer (you know who you are), you don't know what you did for me. You can say you didn't do anything, but I didn't need anything special. I needed someone who didn't think I was crazy. I needed someone who would care, but not judge. I needed someone happy and optimistic. You may have not done anything out of the ordinary, but you were awesome. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't just talked to me. Even when you were just distracting me (with Dom, of course), you were taking my mind off, well, killing myself. And I don't think I can ever thank you enough.


The one good thing about being diagnosed as depressive now you know your probably not crazy. And when it happens again you have the advantage of knowing what this feeling is ...
For me it was a box, very dark and no way out took just one person, one very kind person to help me identify where I was ...and that I was not alone ...she just talked to me and that was the start of recovery. I realised that this was something that had been there a very long time, except this time there had not been an outlet ..a fix ..there had always been before.
My personal saving was that I have always known that ending now is too soon ...there is too much left to see and do ... Best Drug Ever is tomorrow morning....
be well Skye ....

April 25, 2008 at 7:58 PM  

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