This year, boys are stupid. And not for the normal reasons, like them going girl-crazy and throwing things down my shirt. This year, they've been making jokes. Disgusting jokes. Violent jokes. Rape jokes. I wasn't really bothered at first, but that was before I was on blogs, before I learned about feminism and the true nature of rape. I look back now, and I ask myself why I ever thought these were right or acceptable in any way. What's the statistic, one in four women will get raped or sexually harassed? One, two, three, four. That's me and three friends. Which one will it be? And why the hell (sorry, mom) should we be joking about that? I just want to rage and storm and curse and get violent on those boys, who don't even know that they are perpetuating a culture that says that it's acceptable to demean their mothers, sisters, friends, girlfriends. What should I do? Should I shove a picture of Melissa McEwan, who is a hero of mine, in their faces? Is there anything I can do? All that'll happen is that I'll be labled "touchy" and a "bitch." Maybe it's worth it though. There's no way I can keep my dignity and my pride when someone says "Oh, come on, if he raped you, you'd love it!" and I do nothing.
This is my promise to myself, to any woman who has had to go through that experience, to any future girls of the world. I'm not going to stand for it anymore. Why should I? It's my right to fight the rape culture of America, as a woman and a human being. There's no excuse for my ignoring it till now and I intend to make amends with that as soon as I can. One, two, three, four. It's not going to be me, or my friends. I will die before I let that happen.
I'm not going to stand for it anymore. Why should I? It's my right to fight the rape culture of America, as a woman and a human being.
*cheers* Go you! It's tough standing up to idiots, particularly knowing that they'll retaliate with sexist insults, but you're right: there is nothing. funny. about. rape. There is nothing funny about it, and maybe you'll shake up the worldview of the boys who make and repeat those "jokes."
Anonymous said...
March 24, 2008 at 4:12 PM
Brave and important! I'm cheering you on.
Anonymous said...
March 24, 2008 at 5:11 PM
Is there anything I can do?
In the moment, one of the things you can do is ask them, "Why do you think rape is funny?" Just straight-faced, even-voiced, raised-eyebrowed curious. "Why do you think rape is funny?" I do that with adult men who make rape jokes around me, and, yeah, sometimes I get a nasty response, but more often I get a stunned silence -- because I don't think many of them have ever considered why they think rape is funny, or that maybe it isn't.
You might also try requesting, if you feel comfortable doing so, a school-wide rape awareness seminar from your school's guidance department or administration. Or have your mom request it. Maybe if they hear about the ubiquity of rape jokes in the school, they'll be inclined to give it the attention it deserves.
All that'll happen is that I'll be labled "touchy" and a "bitch."
Being an active feminist makes that hard to avoid, I'm afraid. But here's a good response to have at the ready: "If caring about [rape, equality, reproductive rights, equal opportunities, Title IX, insert any feminist issue here] makes me a bitch, then I am proud to be a bitch."
Melissa McEwan said...
March 25, 2008 at 6:04 AM